2 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi

child development - nature vs nurture

Here is the link for the image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Child_development_stages.svg
When we check this out, we can notice that every human being is passing by the same process, is experiencing the same developmental stages while developing. If you look around, you can see that there is no two people having exactly the same characteristics, behaving exactly the same way. It is weird to have too many basic concepts in common with other people around us but to be unique in the whole world. Actually I would have mislead you if I say that it seems "weird" to me because it is obvious and fully known that there are so many dynamics making us different from every other person.
just a short notice:
I have started this blog for one of my courses in university of which I am a visitor student. that's why, when it comes to psychology, I will mostly write in english.

About the nature vs nurture issue in development..
Are our characteristics hereditary or do we develop them through our lives as a result of being in contact with the envirenmonet? In series like CSI for example, as the best argument for the defence attorney, we can mostly hear: "My client isn't guilty because he had a bad environment." or "My client isn't guilty because he has bad genes." A win-win situation. So, which one is true? Well, the best answer -maybe the mots politic one- is that both go with each other.
There is one sentence about it that I really like a lot, I have heard this form a psychologist:
"genetics fill the weapon, but what pulls the trigger is the environment."
Here there is a funny video on this subject and intelligence. (What I found funny is the mother)
And here is another video on early development of human brain:

a quoation from a website (http://www.thecutekid.com/parenting/nature-nurture-children.php): "One of my favorite examples of how environment can change a person is the story of Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady. In the story Professor Higgins takes the poor flower girl Eliza and teaches her manners and how to speak properly. Because her environment changed she changed as well...
...As parents, it is important that we nurture our child's genetic traits so that they can be the best they can be."

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